Wednesday, October 28, 2009

5 Best Websites for Childhood Education

Vanessa Dossous 9/25/09
EDU 203-W01 Dr. Wang
5 Best Websites for Childhood Education

1. National Association for the Education of Young Children This website is dedicated to improving the well-being of young children. This website prides itself in the higher education of their students. They focus mainly on my field choice, which is working with younger students.
2. Sharon is a website that contains information for student teachers, parents and teacher aides. This website has creative activities for students and teachers; they mainly focus on teaching students during the early stages of their life.
3. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: this websites incorporates the idea of cognitive learning. This website also focuses on the affect that child care has on a child’s development.
4. Texas Education Agency- website provides information about both prekindergarten and kindergarten programs. This website offers guidelines and other articles regarding kindergarten, and preparing students for school.
5. Ministry of Education this website provides resources to support quality teaching and learning.

Alaphabet Letters

Thursday, October 1, 2009